Wednesday, November 5, 2008

high-tech nursing

Today a lot of skilled nurses use many high-tech tools, these nurses work at schools or other places and especially in hospitals.
They use high tech tools such as the automated external defibrillator or AED; this can shock a person’s heart with an electric stun and restart a heart that isn’t breathing well. Another is measuring a patient’s oxygen level called the pulse oximeter that clamps the end of the patient’s finger nails to get the oxygen level of the person’s blood. Or delivering the exact amount of medication to a patient called the infusion pump.
The high-tech harvesting is a tool called an endoscope that removes the largest vein in the leg without hurting or tearing the tissue in the leg. Paul Smith a specially trained nurse said this is the best thing he has done because it doesn’t damage the tissue and loosens the vein from the surrounding tissue and pulls it from the leg.
The virtual training most nurses go through is the simman a mannequin that is lifelike and the students practice on these. The mannequin tells the students what they did wrong and what they did right. Some nurses use video game technology that helps them give better patient care.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

future fibers

As of today there are slot of scientist coming up with a lot of different thing we don’t know about! Such as textile fibers, I honestly didn’t know anything about that… most of these people (scientist) took some of these classes’ textile engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, chemistry, or material science.
They build better textiles on different types of materials and they are the people that created the space fabrics for the astronauts. Before they made the suit for these astronauts they tested it on a satellite and put it on mars. The suit has to be movable and no air can go through.
Wendy Krause that’s works at NC state university college of textiles, studies and works with thin molecules called polymers. She became an expert and studied chemistry. She says these molecules are even smaller then a piece of hair and they look like spaghetti when they are bunched together and you can not see them even on a typical microscope. She uses these polymers for fiber so the mats can solve different problems like resist heat and chemicals, and to be made as a firefighter gear. Some resist bacteria or grow tissues for skin grafts. Some doctors could patch damaged organs or blood vessels.

perscription for success

Catherine Newkirk from North Carolina is a pharmacist. Newkirk says she decided to become a pharmacist because of her local pharmacist from her hometown, and loved helping people with what they need the most.
Most pharmacist work in different places such as the Hospitals, clinics, retail drugstores, insurance companies, manufacturers, conduct research, nursery homes, and homebound patients. All these pharmacist have to go to school and get degree to become one, mainly universities let you take a 6 year doctoral program to earn you PhD, and most go back to find their doctorates.
The most difficult thing for pharmacists are managing others that you work with and they say its hard to find trained people who want to work. the hours for these doctors are long like about 12 hours a day and only 2 days off, but they say it is fun and they don’t regret even a minute of their job.The doctors also say that they love to work for patients because they love to advice them in a better way to take meds and the interactions. Newkirk says it’s a great job for others but a hard work and you always have to pay attention to what you’re doing.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

top floor, please!

When most seniors graduate they don’t know what they want to be so they would join a community college and from there they would find out what they want to become. This happen to Debbie Grant she graduated and didn’t have a goal so she took her time to decide what she wanted to become and one day she met the manager at a hotel and she gave Debbie a job. Sometimes people will put you as a lower employee but you will move up to the top and someday you will be the highest… such as a manager. Most hotel employees like Brian Chambers started off as a front desk clerk and he was promoted and now he is a IT system coordinator because he is good with computers. Most employees start off slow and low then when it is time for their promotion they become busier and they are on top of the front desk clerks. If you are to work in a hotel, there are no holidays off what so ever. So if you don’t know what to be when you graduate just take your time to decide and some day you might be a manager for some sort of company.

a growning field

To be an organic farmer you have no days off because you are responsible for everything. It is not for anyone but most students try it just to experience it, the schools in Michigan let students understand farming. Most organic farmers don’t expect to become rich they usually sell their products on their own and their salary was $15,603 a year. It takes a while to get rich soil without any chemicals and change the seeds that move pest, if there’s pest the lady bug will be needed to eat it. Most farmers hire new farmers when they retire so the other will run the old farm and it will remain there. Some students also go to a different country and try farming out there to see and experience the climate out there. Farmers get worried at times because they notice the fertilizer has chemicals in it and it is toxic and it burns certain things and they don’t want it to hurt the living things around their farms. But to become a small scale farmer you have to go through all the farming experience such as marketing and running your own bussiness because of the environmental issues.

everywhere a sign

About 28 million people are deaf and to the national association of the deaf, 10% of the U.S. populations need help with health services and more. To the students that are learning how to speak sign language they say it is very difficult, they give an advice “never give up”. Of course all other languages are complicated it’s because you are learning and starting to understand it, that is how sign language is too. Some teachers say it is very exciting to work with children because when you’re telling a story you become the character from the story. And sometimes it is sad telling people that they have cancer. The interpreters say that they’re hands don’t get tired but they’re brain gets tired from the conversation that lasts more than 20 minutes. And when a group is taking turns they say you’re never really off from the break you have to take. Most deaf people may sometimes think if they are really connected to the deaf community by their facial expressions. Katie Forstrom from New Jersey studying ASL says it will be fun for you to learn sign language and maybe complicated at first but it’s not the end of it.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

caring for the big guys

To be a veterinarian you don’t HAVE to work with dogs and cats you can also work with large animals such as horses, cows, giraffes, and so forth. To be a large animal veterinarian you have to love animals, be good in science, love the outdoors, spend time with large animals, and to be physically fit. When you become a vet they will put you in a busy schedule just for you to get the hang of it. But you get used to your job and more workers start you get help, about 50-60 hours per week. Sometimes the patient will not be comfortable so he might fight back or be afraid and try to hurt you. There are a lot of people who want to become veterinarians so it is somewhat difficult to become a doctor. To enter in a veterinarian program, candidates must obtain you to an undergraduate degree, once admitted to a veterinary school you have to study for 4 years to earn your doctor of veterinary medicine degree. Not all vets work with animals they also teach others to become a vet, do clinical services, employ at a zoo or theme parks or they’re on staff at major meat producing companies.