Wednesday, October 29, 2008

a growning field

To be an organic farmer you have no days off because you are responsible for everything. It is not for anyone but most students try it just to experience it, the schools in Michigan let students understand farming. Most organic farmers don’t expect to become rich they usually sell their products on their own and their salary was $15,603 a year. It takes a while to get rich soil without any chemicals and change the seeds that move pest, if there’s pest the lady bug will be needed to eat it. Most farmers hire new farmers when they retire so the other will run the old farm and it will remain there. Some students also go to a different country and try farming out there to see and experience the climate out there. Farmers get worried at times because they notice the fertilizer has chemicals in it and it is toxic and it burns certain things and they don’t want it to hurt the living things around their farms. But to become a small scale farmer you have to go through all the farming experience such as marketing and running your own bussiness because of the environmental issues.


Blogger [JrB] WiCkEd^ said...

Excelent work on your summary!!I understood it!Nice work!!

November 3, 2008 at 1:34 PM  

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